Switchboard Upgrades

Switchboard Upgrades in Alstonville

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  • Fixing Fuse Box — Electrician in Noraville, NSW

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Is Your Switchboard Outdated?

Your home or business’s switchboard is crucial for safety. How do you know if it’s in excellent condition or if it needs an upgrade? We can perform an extensive safety inspection to determine its condition and safety risk. Some of the things our electricians will look for include:

  • Flickering lights, which can be caused by a wobbly bulb, loose wiring, or a defective switchboard. If continuous, it can be a fire hazard.
  • Short-circuiting appliances may indicate that the switchboard is not capable of handling your home or business establishment’s power load. Unless upgraded, it could lead to frequent power outages or circuit tripping.
  • Fixing Fuse Box — Electrician in Noraville, NSW

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Is Your Switchboard Outdated?

Your home or business’s switchboard is crucial for safety. How do you know if it’s in excellent condition or if it needs an upgrade? We can perform an extensive safety inspection to determine its condition and safety risk. Some of the things our electricians will look for include:

  • Flickering lights, which can be caused by a wobbly bulb, loose wiring, or a defective switchboard. If continuous, it can be a fire hazard.
  • Short-circuiting appliances may indicate that the switchboard is not capable of handling your home or business establishment’s power load. Unless upgraded, it could lead to frequent power outages or circuit tripping.
  • Rewireable fuses instead of circuit breakers in the switchboard. These contain copper fuse wires that either melt or blow when the system’s overloaded, which is another serious safety hazard.
  • An overcrowded switchboard is an indication that it’s no longer capable of accommodating additional high-voltage pieces of equipment like a heater or an air conditioner. An upgrade is necessary if you’ve recently installed items like these with an already overcrowded board.
  • Loose wires inside fuse holders that can result in blown fuse wires, melted cables or worse, a fuse board fire.

When it becomes clear that your switchboard requires upgrading, our experienced and licensed electricians can do it safely and efficiently for you. We have the right tools, equipment, and know-how to get the job done right.

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  • Installing Electrical Fuse Box — Equipment Repairs in Singleton, NSW

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  • Rewireable fuses instead of circuit breakers in the switchboard. These contain copper fuse wires that either melt or blow when the system’s overloaded, which is another serious safety hazard.
  • An overcrowded switchboard is an indication that it’s no longer capable of accommodating additional high-voltage pieces of equipment like a heater or an air conditioner. An upgrade is necessary if you’ve recently installed items like these with an already overcrowded board.
  • Loose wires inside fuse holders that can result in blown fuse wires, melted cables or worse, a fuse board fire.

When it becomes clear that your switchboard requires upgrading, our experienced and licensed electricians can do it safely and efficiently for you. We have the right tools, equipment, and know-how to get the job done right.

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  • Installing Electrical Fuse Box — Equipment Repairs in Singleton, NSW

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